Rhizome' is Nikita Zabelin's first solo album release and coincidental his most ambitious musical work yet. The attempt to musically grasp and visualize the unseizable: The invisible and absolute absence of the self. 'Emptiness'.
Complex generative patterns and brute abstract melodies paint brittle contours around harrowing empty spaces with such confident strokes, capturing the listener’s attention in every moment. Nikita's unusual, impulsive yet gloriously catchy arrangements combine deconstructed IDM and minimalistic ambient sounds. They seem to be intentionally negating lead melodies and classic compositional structures, putting focus on the the unheard and hidden. It's a vast uprising of the concealed. An unconventional effort to put the listener in the center of attention rather than to enforce a suppressive narrative onto them. With 'Rhizome' Nikita Zabelin creates infinite spaces that are demanding to be encounter by its audience.
Imagine a labyrinth that connects many rooms. You don’t know what expects you in each of them. Your joy is here, your fears are here, the ten year younger you is here too. In Rhizome, each track is an empty room that only an individual listener can fill with their view and personal perception. It’s void that comes to life when you start walking through it, not afraid to be imaginative, honest, or even deconstructive. An open fluid space for the listener that can be formed and becomes anything they want.
Born and raised in the middle part of the Urals Nikita's life has been shaped by the endless expanse of unpopulated landscapes and the harsh daily grind of a steel industrial urban city. Music became the embodiment of a future that offered space for the unheard and unsighted in a world full of restrictions.
Rhizome' is the offering of an entire decade’s worth of work. It showcases one of the most exciting eastern experimental electronic artist of our time.