Alarico debuts on Klockworks with a flawless four tracker of classy yet gritty pure driving techno. The Milan based DJ and producer Alarico started his journey in 2015 with a style strongly shaped by the raw and forward-leaning sound of 90's Techno. Known for fast paced rhythms and kinky grooves he left his signature on labels such as Newrhytmic Records, Mutual Rytm, his imprint Katana Records and he now continues to explore the depths and possibilities of sound with his debut on Ben Klock's Klockworks.
Over four tracks he cycles between classy, minimalistic effectiveness and rough edged grimy vibes perfectly matching the label's sound with his unique take on techno. The EP kicks off with the raw stomping groove of 'AF 97' building up the tension to be followed by the unstoppable rolling drift of 'Chromo', while on the flip-side 'Lost In Lima' takes the listener on a sonic journey of frenetic tribal rhythms and closing track 'Nisba' is a restless techno track showcasing droning, hypnotic sound design and effortless elegance.
A1 AF 97 A2 Chromo B1 Lost In Lima B2 Nisba
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